简体中文 Simplified Chinese
We offer Simplified Chinese (Mandarin) classes from Pre-K through Eighth Grade and AP Chinese. Our textbook is MeiZhou Chinese (simplified).
文化拓展 Cultural & Enrichment
根据师资情况,我校长期或按学期轮流开设不同的中国文化及拓展课程,包括书法、绘画、舞蹈、围棋、捏面人、编织、演讲辩论等科目,课时一般为每周50分钟。此外,我校是AMC数学考试注册考点,为五年级以上学生开设初中数学课(AMC 8 &10 )。
Based on teacher availability, we offers a series of Chinese culture and enrichment classes, including calligraphy, art, folk dance, Go chess, dough figurine, knitting & crochet, public speaking, debate, and etc. We are a registered AMC Math Testing Center, and offer middle school math classes (AMC 8 & 10) to students 5th grade and above.
学生活动 Student Activities
We organize various student events throughout the year, including Mid-Autumn Sporting Event, Chinese Speech Contest, Halloween Parade, Christmas Holiday Party, and Chinese Characters Contest. Our students also have the opportunities to participate in events and activities throughout the Philadelphia, Delmarva and Washington D.C. regions and beyond.
社区服务 Community Services
2024-2025 School year: all classes and volunteer positions require in-person attendance. Alumni and other high school students are encouraged to apply. Volunteers are expected to be able to communicate in the Chinese language fluently verbally and in written form, and demonstrate excellent interpersonal communication skills. Service hour certificate can be provided upon request.
成人课程活动 Adult Classes & Events
As a member school of the Delaware Chinese American Association (DCAA), we offer English as a Second Language, Chinese Medicine and Health classes to the community for free. We also organize community seminars during school sessions, covering topics from education, economics, finance, culture and etc.
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- August 08, 2023
First Day of School
2023-2024 School Year will start on Saturday September 9, 2023. Registration opens August 26, 2023.